School Improvement
Continuous school improvement is an embedded behavior rooted in the school's culture that constantly focuses on the conditions, processes, and practices that improve teaching and learning. Schools use student performance results and analyze data from various interwoven components to develop plans and implement improvement actions to drive education quality and improved student outcomes.

School Improvement Plan
School SMART Goals
By the end of SY 2025-2026, grades 6-7 will decrease the percentage of students in the "did not meet" or "partially met" performance levels by 5% over two years from 7% to 2% and increase the percentage of students scoring at the "met or exceeded" performance levels by 5% over two years from 72% to 77% as reported on DoDEA's CCRSL Summative Assessment. By the end of SY 2025-2026, grade 8 will increase the percentage of students meeting the benchmark by 5% over two years from 69% to 74% as reported on the PSAT.
By the end of SY 2025-2026, grades 6-7 will decrease the percentage of students in the "did not meet" or "partially met" performance levels by 5% over two years from 11% to 6% and increase the percentage of students scoring at the "met or exceeded performance" levels by 5% over two years from 48% to 53% as reported on DoDEA's CCRSM Summative Assessment. By the end of SY 2025-2026, grade 8 will increase the percentage of students meeting the benchmark by 5% over two years from 34% to 39% as reported on the PSAT.
Spangdahlem MS Mission
Educate, Engage, and Empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world.
SPMS complies with guidelines governing DoDEA schools and aims to keep parents, students, stakeholders, and the school community informed of such specific rules, regulations, and procedures.
Spangdahlem MS Vision
Spangdahlem Middle School will be a high performing school that empowers students to achieve excellence. We will promote 21st century skills, cultivate personal growth, and inspire life-long learning through collaborative relationships among all stakeholders.
DoDEA Accreditation
Accreditation is the act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to an educational institution that maintains suitable standards). Educational accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated by an external agency to determine if applicable standards are met. If standards are met, accredited status is granted by the agency.
Cognia is the accreditation agency for all DoDEA schools and the world's largest education community. As the global leader in advancing education excellence through accreditation and school improvement, Cognia brings together more than 100 years of experience and the expertise of three United States-based accreditation agencies - the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA/CASI), Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC), and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS/CASI). Accreditation is pivotal to leveraging education quality and continuous improvement.
Detailed accreditation information is provided on the DoDEA Accreditation page.
Europe West School Improvement Goals
Elementary SMART Objective #1: Standards-Based Mathematics
By the end of SY 2025-2026, grades 3-5 will decrease the percentage of students in the “did not meet” or “partially met” performance levels by 5% over two years from 17% to 12% and increase the percentage of students scoring at the met or exceeded performance levels by 5% over two years from 56% to 61% as reported on DoDEA’s CCRSM Summative Assessment.
Secondary SMART Objective #1: Standards-Based Mathematics
By the end of SY 2025-2026, grades 6-7 will decrease the percentage of students in the did not meet or partially met performance levels by 5% over two years from 13% to 8% and increase the percentage of students scoring at the met or exceeded performance levels by 5% over two years from 52% to 57% as reported on DoDEA’s CCRSM Summative Assessment.
By the end of SY 2025-2026, grades 8,9, and 10 will increase the percentage of students meeting the benchmark by 5% over two years from 42% to 47% as reported on the PSAT. (baseline 2023-2024)
By the end of SY 2025-2026, grade 11 will increase the percentage of students meeting the benchmark by 5% over two years from 36.5% to 41.5% as reported on the SAT School Day.
Elementary SMART Objective #2: Standards-Based Literacy
By the end of SY 2025-2026, grades 3-5 will decrease the percentage of students in the did not meet or partially met performance levels by 5% over two years from 19% to 14% and increase the percentage of students scoring at the met or exceeded performance levels by 5% over two years from 54% to 59% as reported on DoDEA’s CCRSL Summative Assessment.
Secondary SMART Objective #2: Standards-Based Literacy
By the end of SY 2025-2026, grades 6-7 will decrease the percentage of students in the did not meet or partially met performance levels by 5% over two years from 9% to 4% and increase the percentage of students scoring at the met or exceeded performance levels by 5% over two years from 67% to 72% as reported on DoDEA’s CCRSM Summative Assessment.
By the end of SY 2025-2026, grades 8,9, and 10 will increase the percentage of students meeting the benchmark by 5% over two years from 72% to 77% as reported on the PSAT.
By the end of SY 2025-2026, grade 11 will increase the percentage of students meeting the benchmark by 5% over two years from 74% to 79% as reported on the SAT School Day.
Comprehensive Assessment System
In conjunction with the implementation of the College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS), DoDEA is implementing the Comprehensive Assessment System (CAS) that includes all of the assessments that are administered system-wide within DoDEA. These include the PSAT, Advanced Placement, NAEP, and College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) assessments. All assessments included in the DoDEA Comprehensive Assessment System support student learning, provide information for decision makers concerning instructional programs and services, and inform parents. DoDEA is committed to student achievement and assessments that raise the bar for the students to ensure they are on the path to success.
EU West Continuous Improvement
Findings: Caring, responsive, and committed leadership propels the organization to greater likelihood of achieving its mission...
A clearly articulated continuous improvement process and quality assurance practices ensure accountability and ultimately move the system to higher levels of student success.
- Challenge, Content, Action & Results (CCAR)
- Plan of Action & Milestones (POAM)
- Complex COVID Assessment Teams
- Validation Visits
- ISS Buddy System
- Learning Site Guidance, Digital Learning Support Plan, Digital Support Team
- Big Four
- Theory of Action
- ORID protocol
- Learning Walkthrough Cycles
- Ladder of Feedback
- Focused Collaboration Implementation
- Calibration & Validation Visits
- Data Protocols (ORID)
The DoDEA Europe West District has developed and maintains a solid and targeted focus on student learning.
- Focus on differentiation
- Providing comprehensive learning opportunities
- Supports for effective instructional practice:
- Initial Implementation of REDI program
- Multiple feedback loops to gather implementation and student outcome data
- Professional Learning opportunities
- Feedback cycles for improvement
- ISS development
- ISS support
- Leadership Development (ILT)
- Student Support Teams
- "Whole Child"
- Digital Learning Plan
- Ability to pivot
- Digital Learning Support Plan
- Tech Bytes
- Parent University
- Complex COVID Assurance Teams
Growth Opportunities - Continuous Improvement Journey
Findings: The district has instituted rich and sophisticated applied data analysis and systemic evaluation to inform instruction, individualize support, plan interventions and institute curricular reform across core academic areas, however some identified processes, procedures and programs unique to some schools included in Europe Est demonstrated less consistent systematic formal evaluation.
Areas for Further Study & Review
A couple of areas that you may wish to examine include a more systemic, programmatic process:
- School Initiatives (PBIS, Discipline approaches) - How do we evaluate programs that are not system wide? (PBIS, discipline approaches, for example)
- Stakeholder Engagement - how can we evaluate to make sure we are getting those voices from across our schools?
- Mentoring & Coaching - How are we inducting people into Europe West [in a systematic way]? Are we evaluating how effective that is?
The Cognia Team acknowledged challenges that may be beyond our control, and encouraged our continued improvement efforts to mitigate student transience, consistency and change in leadership, time zones & country specific requirements, travel COVID 19 and staffing.
We Are Validated!
We are so Proud to Announce: We Are Validated! Outbrief Findings: DoDEA Europe West District Continuous Improvement. Cognia Accreditation Blended Engagement Review: 14-23 March 2021.