Bulldog Byte October 23-27, 2023 Weekly School Newsletter

Oct 25, 2023
School News thumbnail.

October has been quite a month at SpMS. We have officially wrapped up our first quarter, took the PSATs, kicked off our homework club, and completed our SOS presentations. It is only fair to reward our students for their hard work with some fun upcoming events. Next week will be Red Ribbon week and we will be showing our support with various themes. See the flyer for the specific days. We are also allowing our students to dress up for Halloween. Please also see the flyer for guidance. Finally, our PTSA will be hosting a Monster Bash on Monday, October 30.

This is a great time for students to socialize and support the PTSA. Remember, it isn’t too late to join the PTSA and membership information is attached.

We look forward to enjoying these fun events and continuing strong into second semester.

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